Lapiah Tigo is a detailed display font.
Font Name: Lapiah Tigo Font
License: Free for personal use
Download Lapiah Tigo Font for free. Please note that if the license offered here is non-commercial you have to obtain a commercial license/permit from the original author from creative fabrica
- Windows
- Apple/Mac
- Linux
- Easily convert to webfont
- Cricut
- Silhouette
- Other cutting machines
Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. How to install fonts on Windows
Answer : To install the font follow these simple steps:
- Unpack the zip folder that you downloaded.
- Go to the folder with the fonts and search for the .OTF or .TTF file (we recommend you always install the OTF file if available).
- Double-click on the font as if you are opening an application.
- Now the font installation window will open.
- Click Install and wait till it’s done.
- That’s it! You have now installed a font.
Q2. How to install font on Mac
Answer: To install a font on Mac follow the following steps:
- Make sure to unpack the zipped folder.
- Go to the folder with the fonts and double click on either the OTF or TTF font file (we always recommend the OTF file).
- After you double click a window will open with a preview of the font and a small button at the bottom saying “Install”.
- Click install.
- Make sure to restart your application (and if that doesn’t work restart your computer).